This week, The Thread Count returns with a look at the long, sometimes fun, and sometimes super offensive history of pro wrestling weddings. The bad news is that I couldn’t find a picture of four-year-old Danielle sporting a lace applique dress and an accidental mini-mullet* at my mother’s 1989 wedding. The good news is that the following pages contain more of those two things than you could ever possibly need in one lifetime.
Roddy Piper says there’s no room for romance in wrestling, and while most of these ceremonies prove him right, they’ve at least provided us with more than enough memorable fashion moments over the years. Click through for Part One very best and very worst looks of pro wrestling weddings.
*I had super cute long hair, but for some unknown reason decided to give myself a “trim” the day before. It was…not a great idea. Thankfully, as a child of divorce, they don’t get carted out too often.
Filed under: Media, ProWrestling, Sports Tagged: bunkhouse buck, Captain Lou Albano, colonel robert parker, david schultz, diamond lil, FABULOUS MOOLAH, Fashion, FREDDIE BLASSIE, GEORGE THE ANIMAL STEELE, Harlem Heat, howard finkel, HULK HOGAN, JESSE VENTURA, LEAPING LANNY POFFO, lord alfred hayes, macho man randy savage, MADUSA, MEAN GENE, MISS ELIZABETH, PRO WRESTLING, SHERRI MARTEL, sky low low, THE THREAD COUNT, tiny tim, UNCLE ELMER, vince mcmahon, WCW, WEDDINGS, WWE, WWF