Ric Flair wrestled his final match at WrestleMania XXIV. Shawn Michaels apologized, told him he loved him and superkicked him into retirement. Flair was given a gold watch and was honored with an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. Then, because he’s a pro wrestler, he continued to wrestle and gushed blood everywhere from Australia’s Hulkamania tour to the Impact Zone to the Gathering of the Juggalos.
With everyone from The Rock to Hulk Hogan talking up their hypothetical in-ring returns, it’s only fitting that The Nature Boy would be, as well. In an interview with Inside the Ropes, Flair spoke about wanting to get back in the game, and how he’s totally ready to go.
Okay, mostly ready.
“Physically I’m more than capable but it’s a cosmetic issue now so I’d need time to prepare. I’ve always wanted to manage Dolph Ziggler but ya know if they were to ask me to get back in the ring tomorrow my answer would be yes and I could work with anybody. I’ve actually worked with Ziggler before when he was in the group (the Spirit Squad). I love all those kids. I think I’ve had enough of Brock Lesnar, I don’t think I could do that one again. I don’t think I could take 17 German suplexes. I could work with any of the kids but I don’t think that’s going to happen, I just meant I’m physically cleared to go out there and bounce around or drop an elbow on a sports coat. I’d love to be a part of it again.”
Wrestler retirements are like deaths in comic books. They seem like a big deal when they’re happening, and you play along to get that emotional rush, but you know they’ll be back in a few years. Maybe they’ll have long hair or a new costume, but they’ll be back.
As an added bonus, if you’ve never seen Flair beat up his own clothes, here you go: