WWE Hall of Fame legends Rowdy Roddy Piper and Stone Cold Steve Austin have been at each other’s podcasting throats over the past week, and here’s what we know so far: Piper was reportedly kicked off Podcast One for a parody interview he performed with “Stone Cold,” played by comedian Will Sasso. The episode was pulled within six hours, and Piper was fired. Austin said there were no hard feelings, but Ric Flair claimed that Piper had had his WWE Legends contract terminated over the issue.
Piper claimed he’d clear things up on the next edition of Piper’s Pit, so here we are. On the latest episode, Rowdy Roddy says he talked to the head of Podcast One about the removed podcasts knowing he was going to be fired, claiming he felt censored and didn’t want to work under those conditions. He says the decision was made NOT to fire him, but that he’d quit to find a new home with more freedom.
Here are his comments to Austin:
“There was a lot of love in it, but I guess not for you. That’s my mistake, then. Come Monday, when the episode aired, the company had taken down not only the podcast, but all of my podcasts and took me off the air because Steve, you were upset and you went and talked to them. Okay, got it. I needed the audience to find me, so I put up the one that you took down. I didn’t mean to offend you in any way, and I still don’t see it. However, I don’t need to. If you got offended by it, then I am sorry for whatever; I didn’t get it I guess, so I got out. It’s that simple. So for you, I’ve got all the respect in the world for what you’ve done. I hope you do all the things that you want to, and Hershey the Wonder Dog. I don’t want to deal with it anymore. So I’m done with it, I didn’t lie about anything, and my heart’s in the right place in my life, and I’ve got my family on my side.”
Let’s hope this grievance is finally aired and over, and that we can get back to the things we all enjoy, like driving ATVs through wrestling arenas and bashing people in the head with coconuts.