Surprisingly, things haven’t gotten much better for Hulk Hogan in the months following the racism scandal that got him booted and scrubbed from WWE.
According to this week’s Observer, WWE talent both past and present were told to not have any contact with the Hulkster. WWE’s upcoming adult-themed cartoon Camp WWE is being delayed to remove Hogan’s character from it.
Everyone from Dennis Rodman to Bret “Hitman” Hart to the late “Rowdy” Roddy Piper have weighed in on whether or not they think the WWE legend is racist, but now, finally, finally, we hear from the only voice that matters… former Killer Bee Jumpin’ Jim Brunzell. You may know him as the guy on the team the Iron Sheik doesn’t want to f*ck in the ass and make humble.
Via the Pancakes and Powerslams podcast:
I’ve known Terry since 1982, and he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. I’m sure that it was said out of frustration over his daughter not complying to his wishes, and I believe that Vince McMahon took an opportunity to get rid of a guaranteed lifetime contract that he had with Hulk. I wish Hulk would’ve right off the bat apologized right away. You know, last week he finally comes on and apologizes. That’s too long. You can’t wait months. You gotta jump right on that and say, hey, I said something I shouldn’t have said, everybody screws up, and I apologize. But I’ve known him since 1982, 33 years, and he’s never said anything racist.
I was kinda hoping Brunzell would put on a mask halfway through his answer, leave the studio and be replaced by a masked B. Brian Blair without anyone noticing.
The apology Brunzell references is Hogan’s teary-eyed request for forgiveness on Good Morning America, but he actually did issue an immediate apology. He spoke to People and apologized almost immediately after it happened. It didn’t help.
No word on what Brian Blair thinks, but he’s probably still busy trying to get an apology from the Sheik.