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The New Day, Ric Flair, And More Get The Sega Genesis Treatment In This WWE 2K16 Parody Video


Is there anything wrestling fans love more than nostalgic wrestling somethings that make them feel like a kid again? No, my god, why would they? In the right context, it’s great! And this, my friends, is the right context.

If you thought last year’s WWE 2K15 Sega Genesis parody version was cool (and you probably did, it was super rad), get a load of this year’s completed parody video.

UK-based artist Brendan Docherty, known as YouTube user @WrestlingArcade, worked his 16-bit magic on numerous classic pro wrestling moments, giving us realistic throwback gameplay of an re-imagined WWE 2K16. Well, realistic if you had a time machine and zero regard for the space-time continuum and the evolution of modern day video game graphics. My grandmother is my sister, but Randy Orton is RKO-ing chumps in 1989!

Docherty also intersperses the simulated gameplay with re-creations of classic moments in wrestling history, like the Barbershop Window betrayal, Cactus Jack and Terry Funk getting buried in an avalanche of chairs at the ECW Arena, and, of course, The Shockmaster. Want to see Rey Mysterio tossed like a lawn dart in 16 blurry but glorious bits? Of course you do.

You can check out more from Docherty, as well as hit him up for an arcade-style commission here.

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