It’s time to shed a bitter tear for the WWE commentary situation, because today Jim Ross, the best commentator WWE has or ever will have, is officially done with the company.
Jim Ross had a tumultuous relationship with WWE for years. The company thought he was too old and unphotogenic for TV, but they couldn’t find a replacement even a 10th as good as him, so he was brought back then sent home again more times than a person could count over the past five years.
The final blow came at the WWE 2K14 panel at last year’s Summerslam Axxess — Ric Flair was clearly drunk at the event, and Ross was blamed for not reining him in. Ironically Flair is once again a regular fixture on television, while Ross is still paying for the crime of not babysitting a 64-year-old man vigilantly enough. WWE everybody! By the way, if you want to watch the panel that got JR canned, here’s the whole show.
Unsurprisingly, Jim Ross won’t be at the WWE 2K15 panel this year, but he promises he might have some interesting stories about last year’s panel some day…
“No, I haven’t been invited to Summerslam to be involved in the WWE2K15 video game presentation. [...] I have no plans to be in L.A. during Summerslam time unless I’m there to do work for Fox Sports or Podcast One. That weekend (in 2013) will be an interesting read when I write about it some day. It could be embarrassing for some.”
Hopefully some interesting stories start leaking out on JR’s blog now that he’s no longer with the company. They may have to re-hire him just to keep his mouth shut.
It was a good 20-years, Jim, now give those vocal chords a rest…
via Rajah
Filed under: Media, ProWrestling, Sports Tagged: JIM ROSS, PRO WRESTLING, Ric Flair, WWE, WWF